Friday, 11 June 2021

The Planet Might Be Doomed But At Least It Will Be Fashionable!

A Royal Society of Arts (RSA) report found that almost half of fast fashion in the UK is made from 'virgin' (i.e. non-recycled) plastics ( The RSA report looked at items sold by online fashion brands, such as Asos, Boohoo, Missguided and PrettyLittleThings. Their 'wear and then throwaway' clothing made much use of cheap acrylic, nylon and polyester. All these materials are produced using petrochemicals. The RSA report goes as far as to say, that fast fashion is part of the petrochemicals economy. Fast fashion clearly has a major influence on the production of 'greenhouse gases' and subsequent climate change. There are attempts to make fashion 'greener' but it looks as if they are really up against it. Not much point switching to electric cars, when the oil is still extracted to be converted into fast fashion items!

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