Sunday, 20 June 2021

An Independent SAGE Spin-Off For the Climate Crisis?

Independent SAGE was modelled on the UK government's own Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies. The former group of scientists were, however, free to criticise government. Independent SAGE attempted to hold UK ministers and civil servants to account, for any lack of transparency and/or mishandling of policy in attempting to deal with the Covid19 pandemic. The group used Youtube clips and tweets to put out their views on a regular basis. Independent SAGE's information was then often subsequently taken up by newspapers, radio and TV. The body had some notable successes. The UK's former Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King, was a leading light in this attempt to get government to follow actual science. It has now been announced that King is going to lead a Climate Crisis Advisory Group (CCAG) of 14 experts from 10 nations ( ). It is claimed that CCAG will have representatives from every continent (including Antarctica?). The idea is to use similar techniques to those employed by Independent SAGE, to hold world leaders to account for their actions/inactions in attempts to deal with the climate crisis. Certainly, somebody needs to do this. It might even work.

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