Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Hybrid or Variant?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have tried to destigmatise the names given to Covid19 variants. Variants were labelled by the media, with the name of the country in which they were first identified. Calling a variant, 'the 'Kent variant', doesn't actually mean it originated in Kent or even in the UK. Calling a variant the 'Indian variant', doesn't mean it originated in India. WHO now advocate giving variants shorthand names, based on letters of the Greek alphabet. So, the 'Kent variant' is now variant 'alpha'. The 'Indian variant' is variant 'delta'. This could turn out to be problematic, as the Greek alphabet only has 24 letters. We are likely to see a lot of variants, before Covid19 loses its newsappeal. Neither label, is in any sense, meaningful to scientists sequencing the virus. We appear to now have another problematic version of the virus, accounting for a spike of new cases in Vietnam ( This 'variant' appears to be highly transmissible as an aerosol (in the breath of infected people). Vietnamese scientists, initially described their version of Sars-CoV-2 as a 'hybrid', between the 'Indian' and the 'Kent' variants. Or should this be a hybrid, between the delta and alpha variants? This is now disputed by the WHO. They say the 'Vietnamese strain' is simply the delta variant with a small modification. It might even not get its own Greek letter. The Vietnamese version could, however, be the next big Covid19 problem on our collective horizons.

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