Wednesday, 20 April 2022

An Everyday Story of Short-Sightedness?

The UK has some of the poorest insulated homes in Europe. That, of course, drastically reduces energy efficiency. It also does nothing to help reduce the country's 'greenhouse gas' emissions. Poor insulation (in the inflation crisis) is currently costing home owners/renters 'an arm and a leg'. It's even driving some folk into financial ruin. It seems not unreasonable to ask 'how did we get here?' Surely, it couldn't have been planned ( What happened was that a UK party decided to appeal to people with environmental concerns, in order to get elected (hugging huskies etc). State-funded schemes were in place giving around 2 million homes per year, cavity wall and loft insulation. Companies, providing such home insulation thrived. In 2013, after a change of heart (about the 'green crap'), the deeply-flawed 'green deal' was put in place. Home insulation projects declined, massively. The 'green deal' per se, was abandoned in the Summer of 2015. In that year, many of the once-booming energy efficiency companies folded due to a lack of customers. The UK has some of the poorest insulated and most expensive to heat homes in Europe. It seems that the whole saga was driven by short-term political advantage. 'Rien ne change', as they say! Or, 'If I was going there, I wouldn't be starting from here'.

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