Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Playing the Ball, Not the Man?

Another weird Tucker Carlson Original is being aired on Fox 'News'. The basic postulate in 'The End of Man', is that the loss US 'masculinity', is all down to declining testosterone levels (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/18/tucker-carlson-masculinity-crisis-testicle-tanning). The solution is, according to Carlson, is Bromeotherapy. Bromeotherapy is the direct exposure of the testicles to a battery of red LED lights (nude disco dancing?). Testosterone (along with the pituitary hormones FSH and LH) does play a role in the maturation of sperm in the testes. There is little evidence, however, that testosterone production is stimulated by red light, UV or any other wavelength (removing tight underwear, for periods of time, might be beneficial?). The declining US sperm counts (these are also found in other countries) are much more likely to be due to ubiquitous environmental contamination with Per and PolyFluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS's) and other chemicals. PFAS's are the so-called 'forever chemicals'. They persist for extended periods in the environment. This family of manufactured chemicals is widely used in industrial processes to make materials non-stick, stain resistant and waterproof. The treatment of 'fast food' packaging is especially worrying. Some PFAS's have been shown to have profound negative impacts on human health, including reproduction. There are also environmental oestrogens, in and on, some foods to consider. Oestrogens block testosterone production. It's unlikely, however, that the impacts of any of these chemicals would be considered in a Tucker Carlson programme. The chemicals are used commercially and that's where advertising comes from!

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