Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Another Pledge Hits the Dust!

The UK government is now ordering more drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea. This is in direct 'defiance' of their own net zero targets presented, in Glasgow at Cop26 ( Recent world events have made ensuring a country's energy supplies much more difficult. Net zero was, however, only a 'pledge' and we know how dependable they are! Surely we can't be simply attempting to 'burn' our way out of the current energy crisis? Current UK energy planning, seems much more like a 'Whack a Mole' game, rather than being an example of joined-up thinking!

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Wooden Tops 16. Hawthorn

As Hawthorn wood is strong and closely-grained, it's often used for carving. This wood is also employed to make tool handles, as well a...