Saturday, 9 March 2024

Veering Away From Veganism?

Jennifer Yule reports an apparent 'tailing off' in UK vegan diets. She notes the declining sales for plant-based meat companies. Vegan brands also appear to be currently scaling back on their product ranges ( Yule suggests two possible reasons for the decline. Firstly, there's been a backlash by groups apparently regarding meat-eating as proof of masculinity. Veganism is labelled as 'feminine' and for 'soy-boys'. Secondly (and perhaps more importantly), the time constraints of preparing proper vegan food and its relatve cost, don't suit UK workers. They work relatively long hours and there's a cost of living crisis. I offer a third possible reason for the declining sales of vegan food. Although I have no evidence for this, I get the impression that some folk have come to regard certain vegan products as being 'ultraprocessed'. Concerns about the dangers of this type of food have received wide attention. Any decline in veganism/vegetarianism would be a pity, as eating more plant-based food, helps curb climate change and improves human health.

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