Saturday, 8 May 2021

A List With Few Fans?

England's post lockdown list of 'green' (safe?) foreign holiday locations has been published. These are countries, that can be visited, with no requirement to quarantine on one's return ( The current green list includes:- Australia; Brunei; Falkland Islands; Faroe Islands; Gibraltar; Iceland; Israel; New Zealand; Portugal; Singapore; South Georgia & the Sandwich Islands and St Helena, Tristan da Cunha & Ascension Island. So, not many cheap and cheerful package holidays for UK punters there! The list mainly caters for the well-heeled. Neither Scotland nor Wales have yet made their attitudes to foreign holidays clear. It would, however, be next to impossible to stop their citizens using English airports. As one might predict, Airlines UK have described the green list as a 'missed opportunity' (for airlines, people or the virus?). The travel industry, in general, says the list is 'too cautious' and should be greatly expanded (they would say that, wouldn't they?). Some health professionals, in contrast, think the whole concept of foreign holidays, is premature at the present time. It is also impossible to entirely stop people travelling to different destinations (green, amber or red), mingling in airports. It's going to be interesting to see what happens with Covid-19 variants in the UK?

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