Friday, 7 May 2021

Justice for Bees?

The European Court of Justice have rejected an attempt by Beyer CropScience to have a ruling by a lower EU court overturned ( The lower court ruling, imposed a partial ban on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides (notably Beyer CropScience's Imidacloprid; Takeda Chemical Industries & Beyer CropScience's Clothianidin and Syngenta's thiamethoxan) on European crops. This was on the basis, that they harmed Honey bees (when they don't kill, they impair the bee's foraging behaviour). Bees are, of course, important pollinators (they do this as they forage). The ban applies to certain crop types but does not to others, like sugar beet. Beyer argued that there was insufficient 'new' scientific evidence to uphold the partial ban. They also argued that European farmers might use greater amounts of older pesticides. I suspect they were more concerned about profits.

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