Friday, 7 May 2021

Methane is Faster!

A UN report claims that cutting methane gas releases is the quickest way to slow global heating and the consequent climate change ( Methane is a more potent 'greenhouse gas' than carbon dioxide. It is released by the fossil fuel industries, as they extract gas, oil and coal. It is also burped by cattle, as they digest their cellulose food, aided by bacteria. Finally, it is generated by rotting vegetation. The UN report claims that 30% of global heating is produced by methane. The gas can also (unlike carbon dioxide) be dealt with by existing technologies. It is also claimed that methane emissions could easily be halved by 2030. And, this could be at a reasonable cost. Halving methane emissions would result in the rise in the world ambient temperature, being 0.3 degrees Centigrade less, by 2045. 0.3 degrees doesn't sound much but it would make a considerable difference. Oh, and air pollution would also be reduced. Sounds like a 'no brainer'?

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