Thursday, 20 May 2021

Amber Gamblers?

The UK Transport Secretary has said that UK citizens, choosing to fly or travel abroad, should 'apply common sense' ( The trouble with this invocation is that all responsibility is thus placed on the traveller, rather than the government (which should be in a better position to evaluate risk). Most people, being interviewed in TV news items at UK airports, who were travelling to amber list countries, seemed to going on holiday (they could have been selected on this basis). This is, in spite of the government now saying that amber designated locations (on their travel 'traffic light' scheme) should be visited for 'important' issues like funerals or checking on the health of a relative. Most of the interviewed 'amber gamblers', appeared happy to self-isolate at home on their return (most seemed to have the freedom/finance to do this). Many also, however, appeared to have a sense of entitlement about their 'right' to a holiday. This overrode any consideration about problems they might bring back to the country as souvenirs. Common sense?

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