Monday, 31 May 2021

Are We, in the UK, a Nation of Slow Learners?

In the UK, government responses to the Covid19 pandemic seem to have been slow to a) take on messages about what was happening elsewhere; b) acquire and adopt personal protective equipment (including facemasks); c) come up with a functional test/track/isolate system; d) enter successive lockdowns in a timely fashion and e) bring in effective travel restrictions/quarantine arrangements. The only thing that has gone well (and it's a big plus) is the vaccination programme. It very much seems, however, that we are again 'missing the bus' in attempts to control our spread of the B.1.617.2 variant of Sars-CoV-2 virus ( The so-called 'Indian' (it was first discovered there) variant, is more transmissible than its 'Kent' (it was first discovered there) counterpart. The Indian variant also appears to be more likely to infect already vaccinated subjects, especially those who had only had a first dose. 75% of new Covid19 infections in the UK, now appear to be the Indian variant. It's effectively replacing the Kent variant. Contrary to government hopes, infections with B.1.617.2 are not remaining in their initial 'hotspots' but turning up across England. Some scientists claim the spread of the variant was 'entirely predictable'. They also say a window of opportunity has been missed to stop viral spread. These specialists see the current 'surge' in infections as the start of yet another wave. They also suggest that the full easing of restrictions in England (scheduled for June 21st on the 'roadmap'), should be reconsidered. Have we finally got the message that the virus does not regard the Brits as being an exceptional nation? I expect, however, there will be strong resistance to any further delay in easing restrictions.

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