Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Going Viral?

A manhunt is underway, in a forest of Belgium's Limburg region ( The person being hunted is a heavily-armed soldier who had issued threats against Marc Van Ranst. Van Ranst is a virologist and adviser to the Belgian government. His 'crime'? Supporting Covid-19-related lockdowns in Belgium. The soldier, in question, is a fire arms trainer with well-established and widely-known links to the extreme right. He absconded with a rocket launcher, a submachine gun, a pistol and a bullet-proof vest. The soldier also left notes, saying that he no longer wished to live "in such a society ruled by politicians and virologists". I suppose he would rather live in a society ruled by heavily-armed soldiers? Two questions. Firstly, on what planet do you allow someone, with highly questionable links (known about by the security agencies), continued access to an arsenal? Secondly, why should a virologist, simply doing his job, be regarded as a legitimate target? It's a strange world in which armed soldiers support a virus!

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