Saturday, 29 May 2021

One Small Backward Step for Mankind?

Reports on 'space tourism', always seem to acclaim the technical achievement. The latest is a report on Virgin Galactic's 'successful' test flight with its SpaceShipTwo Rocket plane ( SpaceShipTwo got to slightly more than 55 miles above the Earth's surface. That just about puts the plane onto the edge of 'space'. It is now suggested Virgin Galactic are in 'pole position' to get a commercial reusable spacecraft operator's licence. This will enable the company (based in New Mexico) to charge rich folk mega bucks for their few minutes as 'spacemen/spacewomen'. Reports never seem to comment about the inherent antisocial nature of 'space tourism'. The last thing we need, when urgently attempting to counter climate change, are the emissions generated by these flights! There not much point telling the general public to eat less meat, drive electric cars and take fewer commercial flights, when 'space tourism' is treated as an optional extra for the wealthy. And don't give me any nonsense about planting a few trees to compensate for the emissions!

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