Sunday, 30 May 2021

That Last Post Was My 5000th

Dear Reader, I hope that some of the 5000 posts have amused, entertained, informed or even corrected confusions (not necessarily at the same time). My blog does not generate any money, as I am firmly of the opinion that my views (whether you choose to accept them or not), ought not be driven by advertising or sponsorship (plus I don't need the money). I apologise for my tendency to use weak puns, when titling each post, but I am a creature of habit and the weird sense of humour is ingrained. Could I encourage you to comment on posts that you may disagree with, as well as those you like? I've had some appreciated comments but like a bit of debate. As you may have gathered, my postings have increased in number over the Covid19 pandemic. I have actually found blogging to be quite therapeutic. This doesn't, of course, mean that I am perfectly balanced or a repository of all wisdoms! I try not to be overtly 'political' but admit to finding this harder and harder.

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