Saturday, 15 May 2021

The Milk of Human Unkindness?

Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are the so-called 'forever chemicals' as they don't naturally breakdown. This group of about 9000 compounds, are used to make food packaging, clothing and carpets water and stain resistent. PFAS have been linked to birth defects, cancers, liver disease, thyroid disorders and declining sperm counts in humans. A study in the Environment Science and Technology journal, recorded PFAS levels in samples of breast milk from 50 US women ( Worryingly, the study found levels of PFAS in all samples. Values ranged between 50 and 1850 parts per trillion. The higher values were 2000 times greater than the levels regarded as 'safe' in drinking water. There has not yet been a study on the effects of PFAS-contaminated milk on the babies (this is difficult to set up and could take decades). US mothers are, however, clearly passing on more than nutrients and antibodies, when they breast feed. A sad state of affairs as, generally, breast is best!

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