Thursday, 27 May 2021

'World-class' Hyperbole

With their typical understatement, UK ministers have described their Environmental Bill as "the most ambitious environmental programme of any country on earth" ( The UK Environmental Bill is intended to cover the issues and protections that were formerly subject to EU regulations (that the UK helped write in earlier times). These included placing limits on air and water pollution as well as offering protections to wildlife habitats and biodiversity. Unfortunately, many environmental campaigners have been unimpressed by the bill in its current state. The campaigners describe the bill as 'toothless'. They feel it will fail to protect green spaces against being concreted over by developers in a house-building frenzy. The campaigners alo feel it also lacks provisions for improving air quality (although air pollution is a major health hazard in this 'green and pleasant land'). Campaigners also describe the protections for wildlife as 'inadequate' (in spite of claims it is designed to help hedgehogs, Red squirrels and Water voles). Perhaps the bill's environmental 'ambitions' are limited to fulfilling the dreams of their sponsors? Talking the good talk?

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