Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Well, a 'UK Climate Champion' Would Have to Say That, Wouldn't He?

Nigel Topping has been appointed by the UK's PM, to 'drive and encourage action from businesses, civil and local/regional government, on climate change' (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/18/uk-climate-champion-stubbornly-optimistic-about-net-zero-deal-at-un-talks). We are told that Nigel is ' stubbornly optimistic that the world will converge on an agreement to forge a transition to a net zero future' at the coming cop26 meeting in Glasgow. I'm glad Mr Topping is so positive but talk is cheap. Is there much evidence of an understanding of the nature of the required changes, their magnitude and their urgency, even in the actions of the current UK government? As 'locals' we might be expected to set an excellent example. We are talking about some pretty massive alterations in life-style. The changes would also have to be adopted more-or-less worldwide, by some very diverse people/cultures/goverance systems. The changes also have to be real rather than cosmetic but hidden behind a wall of greenwash. There is a very tight time-frame to make the transition to net zero. I'm nothing like as optimistic as Nigel. A very good reason for not appointing me a 'Climate Champion'. It also sounds a bit too much like a PR appointment, rather than something that produces actions?

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