Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Elastic Plastic

The Plastic Waste Makers Index has established that 20 companies account for more than 50% 0f the virgin polymer production in the world (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/18/twenty-firms-produce-55-of-worlds-plastic-waste-report-reveals). 130 m tonnes of single use (including face masks, bags and bottles) plastics, were thrown away in 2019. The biggest plastic waste producers on the Index were ExxonMobile (almost 6 m tonnes); Dow (5.5 m tonnes) and China's Sinopec (more than 5 m tonnes). Much of this plastic production is also lavishly funded by the world's banks, with Barclays giving the most. The Index also revealed that different countries vary greatly in their single use plastic waste habits. Sadly, Australia was the worst offender with each person throwing away an average of 59 kg of single use plastic waste in 2019. Australians beat the US and UK into 2nd and 4th spots, respectively. The Index confirms that only 20 firms drive an important cause of climate change and pollution. Plastic production is fuelled by hydrocarbons. It means, however, that attempts to change this situation, requires a multi-faceted approach (from individual users, to suppliers of finance, to manufacturers).

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